Sunday, 8 August 2010

Tugu Negara - The "3 in 1" version

I thought I’ve used up  all my "Tugu Negara" stamps for my snail mails. Fortunately, there were some "fish slipped out of the net" ( 漏网之鱼) or I would have missed this golden opportunity to realize this beautiful "3 in 1" version of our splendid National Monument - Tugu negara.

The base of the monument bears the old coat of arms of Malaysia and inscriptions: 
(in English with Roman script and in Malay with Jawa script)
"Delicated to the heroic fighters in the cause of peace and freedom,
May the blessing of Allah be upon them"

Malaysia maxicards - Tugu Negara FDI postmark (31.07.2010)


Gulfmann said...

Yes,I like the top one,
so nice !!

Epylim said...

Gulfmann, thanks. It's my favourite too.